A dear friend insists that I am stressed out and wants "the old Cathy back" I wasn't feeling stressed till he said this! I didn't know there was an" old Cathy" who "had fun and joked around" For the record I am much too blessed to be stressed at the moment. Maybe I should be worried about stuff right now but I'm not.
That's not to say there are not things that could easily be stressful in my life. But being stressed and upset is a choice. A CHOICE! I chose how I respond to things that happen in my life. I make life happen, it doesn't happen to me. Big difference!!
Want to know a secret? If you choose to count your blessings and look at life positively, things that others might find stressful you can see the blessing in.
Work has been a challenge this year. For every step I make forward, I feel like I am pushed 3 steps back. More parents have me on speed dial than ever before. I talk to them regularly and never remember to record the contact which is part of my job. Sometimes I just pray to get through to a kid, get through the day, get past the moment when it seems all hope is gone. But faith brings me through..... Former students and their parents have popped up to tell me that I am loved and missed, that I made a difference.... I will focus on that!!
Home is full of love, laughter and 11 people, 7 of them are kids! 8 cats, 5 dogs, laundry, dishes, cooking....But love and respect for each other and faith in God makes it such a blessing!
I chose to be open to the blessings that God has for me. I praise his mercy for me when I falter, and appreciate the grace he gives unwarranted to me. I thank God for my husband, family and friends. I am blessed.
May you be open to seeing the many blessings God has bestowed on you. You will never see them if you swim in the muck of life and wallow in sorrows. Chose to see the Good. Chose to see the hand of God!