So you think President Trump and our Government are Facist? I don't think that word means what you think it means Antifa so we will start with the Webster Definition.
Definition of fascism:
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
1 a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation (Nationalism is the advocacy of or support for the political independence of a particular nation or people)
■There is nothing wrong with people of any nation wanting a strong nation)
2. and often race ☆ Trump has improved the lives of minorities and marginalized people:
■Sentencing and Prison Reform: The FIRST STEP Act. In late 2018, Congress enacted its most sweeping prison reform legislation in a generation. Formally known as the First Step Act, the law's purpose is to shorten sentences somewhat for particular crimes and improve conditions of incarceration for some inmates as well.Apr 22, 2019
■ Prior to Covid 19 things were looking good for minorities and marginalized people. Due in large part to President Trump keeping his promise that he would make our economy great again.
□All minorities groups saw their unemploymentrates drop to some of the lowest rates since 1944
□"Low unemployment is forcing employers to raise pay and become more aggressive about hiring and training workers. Average hourly earnings rose 3.2 percent in the past year, well above inflation, and lower wage workers enjoyed some of the largest gains as companies scrambled to fill jobs and many states have raised their minimum wage." (May 3, 2019 at 11:20 a.m. Washington Post)
3. above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government
■An autocracy is a system of government in which an autocrat, defined as a single person or party, possesses supreme and absolute power. The decisions of this autocrat are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control.
□ Republicans do not possess absolute power. If the did there never would have been an attempt impeach the president
□ 2 words. Senate/House
□ President Trump didn't demanded States do certain things regarding covid 19 and was blasted for it by many Democrats. He didn't do it because the rights not specifically given to the federal government by the constitution are the rights of the State.
4.headed by a dictatorial leader Do you know what dictator means? a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.
■Trump may wish he had total power but that is obviously not the case.
5. severe economic and social regimentation
■The economy was better than ever before covid. A rising ship lifts all people as was evidenced by historically low unemployment for all segments of society.
6. Forcible suppression of opposition.
■If there is any forcible suppression of opposition it would be from the "progressive" left that encourages people to confront Conservative Republicans in restaurants and public venues and verbally and in some cases physically harass them.
Just some more facts to take into account. That's my two cents.