Friday, June 17, 2011

What a Weiner!

Yet another well known figure is exposed, excuse the expression!
For more than a week, my mind has wondered to Wiener's wife and family. What kind of man is it, that acts out like this and does not consider how his actions will affect those around him?
If you marry someone and it's not working for you, have the decency to divorce them before you play around. If you ever loved them, give them that respect.
To compound matters, Wiener tries to lie his way out of it. Once caught, man up and admit it! This goes for all the women out there that want to stray. If God's commandments don't stop you, maybe common decency can!

Wiener's wife now seems him for the lying adulterer that he is. What is Mrs. Wiener suppose to do now. Can you imagine the pain, hurt and betrayal? She's pregnant for goodness sake! How is she suppose to cope? The embarrassment alone would be enough,
She is the part of the story that weighs on my heart and mind so heavily. She is the one who's name is uttered in my prayers.

What about the young women who received the pictures and sexting? Why didn't they tell him to stop the second they received the first inappropriate communication from a man they didn't know? What has society come too, that so many women didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this stranger sexting them???
Seems that not only common sense has died, but his cousin common decency is gasping her last breath.
We need action!! We need to raise our sons and daughters with morals and values. We need to PRAY for this country and world. PRAYER is really the only answer.
please pray!!

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