I have lots of really positive people in my life... They are positive; "that it will not work" "that things will never change" "that it's a waste of time" :there is nothing they can do"
This kind of thinking and repeated sharing can make even a die-hard upbeat, positive person like me despair. To be honest, these thoughts wander around in my head trying to take up residence anyway. It is a real personal struggle not to be dragged down when they are echoed by others outside my head.
I don't really blame these people for their attitudes. There is so much that seems against us. When misery is what you have in common, people will bond together based on that fact alone. This is not a healthy state however, as it brings everyone further down into the muck and mire. it does not build them up. It does not encourage them. It does not solve the problem.
I know that God will not give me more than I can handle, (but he sure thinks a lot of me sometimes!) I know that I am ultimately in charge of my attitude and getting down on my knees and praying is the answer. But sometimes it would be nice to have some help in the struggle from the people around us. In the words of Michael Jackson " I'm starting with the (wo)man in the mirror" Having said that I ponder what I can do other than pray. What can I as a cog in the vast machine bring to the table to change the attitude?
What can you do to change the negativity around you?
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