A few years ago a little girl came to the house to spend the night with my girls.In her home this little girl pretty much ruled the roost and was not accustomed to a disciplined home. While in my home she choose to ignore my redirection of one undesirable behavior or another and I had to use my more firm tone to get complience.
After the third time of being ignored by this young lady, I took her to the window that looks out into the front yard. I explained to her that she needed to do as I asked the first time I said it or that, (pointing out the window to the front yard) that was the only part of my home she would ever see again. We would not have her over to play or spend the night again.
I left her in that spot looking out the window for 5 minutes and then sat down and talked to her. I asked her if she understood what I expected while she was in my home (carrot) and that if she chose to disobey Ms. Cathy that she would never be invited back. (the rod) She indicated she understood and went back to play with my girls. The young lady in question had witnessed enough of my interaction with my own children, and knew that I say what I mean and I mean what I say. We have never had a problem with her again.
Would I really have never let her back in my home? You bet!
I raise my children to be respectful, obedient children. Children who come to my home are expected to be the same. I chose what my children are exposed to. Why would I allow another child to behave in a way that my own children are not allowed to in my own home? What message would that send to them?
You too should decide! You are the parent, it is your home. You chose what happens or doesn't happen there.
Children are not stupid. Children will play you if they think they can. It's the nature of being a child. Children push boundries. If the boundries you set move, then the child want to know how far they can push. Children will adjust to the expectations they are presented with.
I know discipline does not damage a child, I know that children will rise to the expectations you have for them, so set the bar high! I know that the use of the 'rod' is why my children are such wonderful people to be around. I know that children want boundaries.
We chose to have these children. We understood the responsiblity we undertook. Children do not raise themselves. We are directed by our beliefs to raise the children in a Godly way. We must show them the path and walk it with them. We cannot just point the way and then go our own.
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