Thursday, November 24, 2011

Positivly negative.

I have lots of really positive people in my life... They are positive; "that it will not work" "that things will never change" "that it's a waste of time" :there is nothing they can do"
This kind of thinking and repeated sharing can make even a die-hard upbeat, positive person like me despair. To be honest, these thoughts wander around in my head trying to take up residence anyway. It is a real personal struggle not to be dragged down when they are echoed by others outside my head.
I don't really blame these people for their attitudes. There is so much that seems against us. When misery is what you have in common, people will bond together based on that fact alone. This is not a healthy state however, as it brings everyone further down into the muck and mire. it does not build them up. It does not encourage them. It does not solve the problem.

I know that God will not give me more than I can handle, (but he sure thinks a lot of me sometimes!) I know that I am ultimately in charge of my attitude and getting down on my knees and praying is the answer. But sometimes it would be nice to have some help in the struggle from the people around us. In the words of Michael Jackson " I'm starting with the (wo)man in the mirror" Having said that I ponder what I can do other than pray. What can I as a cog in the vast machine bring to the table to change the attitude?
What can you do to change the negativity around you?

Giving thanks!

Stopping to think about everything I am thankful for
1. First and foremost I must say that I am thankful for a Lord and Savior whose grace and mercy carry me through life's trials.
2. My amazing husband, who I love with all my heart. What we share is so wonderful. He is a kind, loving and Christian man.
3. My 4 wonderful children, my fabulous daughter-in-law and two terrific grandchildren. What a blessing to see them all grow.
4. My parents, his parents, my brother and sisters and his sister and brothers.
5. My church family. A wonderful group of people who are loving and accepting of all who come into their presence.
6. My dear friends, old and new. close and far.
7. My co-workers
8. My health, such as it is! lol
9. My life at the end of a dirt road
`0. The hardships which help me learn more about myself and make me stronger.
There are so many, many blessings that I receive daily as long as I am willing to open my eyes and see. What are you thankful for?

Friday, June 17, 2011

What a Weiner!

Yet another well known figure is exposed, excuse the expression!
For more than a week, my mind has wondered to Wiener's wife and family. What kind of man is it, that acts out like this and does not consider how his actions will affect those around him?
If you marry someone and it's not working for you, have the decency to divorce them before you play around. If you ever loved them, give them that respect.
To compound matters, Wiener tries to lie his way out of it. Once caught, man up and admit it! This goes for all the women out there that want to stray. If God's commandments don't stop you, maybe common decency can!

Wiener's wife now seems him for the lying adulterer that he is. What is Mrs. Wiener suppose to do now. Can you imagine the pain, hurt and betrayal? She's pregnant for goodness sake! How is she suppose to cope? The embarrassment alone would be enough,
She is the part of the story that weighs on my heart and mind so heavily. She is the one who's name is uttered in my prayers.

What about the young women who received the pictures and sexting? Why didn't they tell him to stop the second they received the first inappropriate communication from a man they didn't know? What has society come too, that so many women didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this stranger sexting them???
Seems that not only common sense has died, but his cousin common decency is gasping her last breath.
We need action!! We need to raise our sons and daughters with morals and values. We need to PRAY for this country and world. PRAYER is really the only answer.
please pray!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Racism: How will it ever end?

If this country is ever going to get over racism everybody needs to turn away from it. Choose to see all people as brothers and sisters in Christ!
Jesus Christ died for all of mankind. ALL PEOPLE!!! ALL. Get it??? He made ever color, race and creed.. All the people of the world. Buddists, Baptist, Catholics and Muslim He made us all. If you are a Christian, you can't also be racist. Always remember, What would Jesus Do? If not that, What would a nice person do?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

As Easter comes on tomorrow's dawn I am reminded of what price was paid for me!
Easter reminds us of Jesus Christ's victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him and is the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught. His resurrection gave final and irrefutable proof that He was really the Son of God and that He had conquered death once and for all.
May Easter bring renewal to those who yearn for a closer walk.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Too Blessed to be Stressed!

A dear friend insists that I am stressed out and wants "the old Cathy back" I wasn't feeling stressed till he said this! I didn't know there was an" old Cathy" who "had fun and joked around" For the record I am much too blessed to be stressed at the moment. Maybe I should be worried about stuff right now but I'm not.

That's not to say there are not things that could easily be stressful in my life. But being stressed and upset is a choice. A CHOICE! I chose how I respond to things that happen in my life. I make life happen, it doesn't happen to me. Big difference!!

Want to know a secret? If you choose to count your blessings and look at life positively, things that others might find stressful you can see the blessing in.

Work has been a challenge this year. For every step I make forward, I feel like I am pushed 3 steps back. More parents have me on speed dial than ever before. I talk to them regularly and never remember to record the contact which is part of my job. Sometimes I just pray to get through to a kid, get through the day, get past the moment when it seems all hope is gone. But faith brings me through..... Former students and their parents have popped up to tell me that I am loved and missed, that I made a difference.... I will focus on that!!
Home is full of love, laughter and 11 people, 7 of them are kids! 8 cats, 5 dogs, laundry, dishes, cooking....But love and respect for each other and faith in God makes it such a blessing!
I chose to be open to the blessings that God has for me. I praise his mercy for me when I falter, and appreciate the grace he gives unwarranted to me. I thank God for my husband, family and friends. I am blessed.
May you be open to seeing the many blessings God has bestowed on you. You will never see them if you swim in the muck of life and wallow in sorrows. Chose to see the Good. Chose to see the hand of God!